Monday, September 14, 2009

Re-Creating Yourself

We as a people are always trying to create some sort of magical potion that will ultimately end up in creating a lifetime of successful living. And to make matters worse, we have the benefits of late night television infomercials leading us on our merry way.

But there is something that the gurus are forgetting to you. It's not about the formula, the affirmations you do, or even those cute little goal setting programs books "even though I highly suggest using whatever it is you need to use to help you progress...positively."

My friend it's actually about that single most important moment of your life. It's when we decide to look in the mirror and actually look at the person who is standing there looking back at us. When we become unsatisfied with this person and their current abilities, we then need to recreate what it is we see.

I just don't agree with the pundits and professors who say that the human condition is a cursed condition. I say it's a hard condition to live in and whether we want to accept it or not, we as a people, but most importantly as a singular person need to be re created.

Life is too short not to wake up just a little bit earlier. Get up and watch the sunrise. ..daily.

I figured that the necessary supplies including my trailer to live in is going to cost around $25000.00 I'm excited because that mean I must earn at least 45,000.00 by March 30th 2011. I Know I can do it.

My Personal Website....Lots of Freebies.....Click Here

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