Thursday, September 24, 2009

Taking the next step + Huge PreLaunch !!!!!

So here is the jist of the situation.
I am so tired of seeing friends and family members being scammed by the latest and greatest mlm or funnel matrix and all the other garbage that is running around online.
So being the self made/ready to turn and burn guy I am, I'm gonna build an online business centered around building and creating lifestyle changes for the little man.
Everybody will have an opportunity to earn $$$$.
For right now though, this is probably the most legit business opportunity I've come across.
There are no potions, lotions or matrix related gimmicks. Just an awesome service and an incredible opportunity to earn a substantial amount of money in a relatively short amount of time.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

We Just Started Some of Those Changes

My wife Michelle and I have this agreement that we won't buy birthday or anniversary gifts because we love to surprise each other throughout the year with new things that make the others day just a little bit more brighter. The same for our kids as well. They each save up their money, but purchase gifts for one another throughout the year. Well Last week was no exception.

I ordered Michelle that P90X program you see on every infomercial thinking it would be easy enough for me to breeze through, yet hard enough for her. All I can say is I'm damn sore .

My chest and back are killing me and I'm only on day 3 as of today. The diet is awesome and I'll try and port some of it up here on this blog if i can.

But the thing that is so important is that we made a decision to change, made a plan, and are now working on it.

Too many people quit too easily and the goal is to not be one of them. even if it means staying up a little longer and getting up a little earlier, you can't give up. It's like rocky always says,"I ain't heard no bell."

Don't let life get you down anymore. Life happens and trials and tribulations come and go, but we deal with it. That's what makes us so great. We have the ability to change any pattern we want too, we just need to want too. If you need help, ask for it. Don't let pride get in the way of your salvation.

Good things and bad things happen to everyone. There are only three places your ever gonna be. Going into a trial, coming out of a trial, or in the middle one.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

I'm just a bitt tired, but tired is they say.

I heard an older man once say that he'd rather wear out than rust out. I couldn't agree more. In fact I'm glad I'm tired a bit. I have become a bit soft lately and I guess that's why I haven't achieved as much as I would like in this world.

Oh don't get me wrong, I work every day and try to do things right, but I just feel sometimes that something is definitely lacking.

But I still press on and will continue to press on regardless of what it is that I am trying to accomplish.

We only get one shot at this life so we might as well give it our all.

I'm just a bitt tired, but tired is they say.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Pointers on Proverbs

Many people who have read this blog don't know that I am actually a former preacher. I say former because I'm not sure if I was ever really called to preach and teach, but more or less went into the ministry to try and make right the many things I have done wrong. Yet I still try" I'll emphasize the word try" to remember what it is that made my life then be fulfilled compared to the way it once was.

You see, Life isn't always going to be a crystal stair, but it will be an adventure if your willing to learn from your past and go forward willingly and happily. You need to begin to be grateful and thankful for what it is that you've accomplished thus far in life. But don't be satisfied with mediocrity. Strive for the things that matter most.

There is a rule called the 80/20 rule. In other words, 80% of the things we do account for only 20 % of our successes and 20% of what we do affects the other 80%. Is it any wonder then why every single guru out there has us learning how to plan our day the easy way?

I believe in keeping things simple and enjoying the time I have, but you need to work hard and save for the lean years when you know the rains aren't going to be coming. Until then be as the ant, work now and store up the food because winter is coming.

Be Sure To Come Check Out My New Website Clicking Here I am Updating it Daily and I Will Be Giving a Ton of Freebies Away

Monday, September 14, 2009

Re-Creating Yourself

We as a people are always trying to create some sort of magical potion that will ultimately end up in creating a lifetime of successful living. And to make matters worse, we have the benefits of late night television infomercials leading us on our merry way.

But there is something that the gurus are forgetting to you. It's not about the formula, the affirmations you do, or even those cute little goal setting programs books "even though I highly suggest using whatever it is you need to use to help you progress...positively."

My friend it's actually about that single most important moment of your life. It's when we decide to look in the mirror and actually look at the person who is standing there looking back at us. When we become unsatisfied with this person and their current abilities, we then need to recreate what it is we see.

I just don't agree with the pundits and professors who say that the human condition is a cursed condition. I say it's a hard condition to live in and whether we want to accept it or not, we as a people, but most importantly as a singular person need to be re created.

Life is too short not to wake up just a little bit earlier. Get up and watch the sunrise. ..daily.

I figured that the necessary supplies including my trailer to live in is going to cost around $25000.00 I'm excited because that mean I must earn at least 45,000.00 by March 30th 2011. I Know I can do it.

My Personal Website....Lots of Freebies.....Click Here

Sunday, September 13, 2009

I Just Shoulded All Over Myself.

I'm a pretty spontaneous and highly optimistic person. I feel that failure is just right in front of succeeding, and all it really takes is a burning desire to achieve greatness. Yet I somehow forgot this little itty bitty saying I heard Tony Robbins use....You need to make the things you should be doing into the the things you must be doing.

So here goes the list of what I must be doing....

I must get back into living a healthier lifestyle which includes eating better and excercising more.

I must begin working harder on making all of my dreams come true. More goal planning, more daily affirmations, more focusing on how to attain the wealth needed to build my dream home/resort.

I must spend more quality time with my family. I'm only going to do the television thing for 6 hours a week, eliminating some of the dumb things that I watch.

I must work harder at my schooling. I don't agree with the saying that c's make degrees.

I must build an online business so I don't have to go to work every day so I can focus more on school and homeschooling our children and living the life we all deserve.

Well thats just a few of the things I need to make into my shoulds. I guess that no matter how hard I work, I just can't accept mediocrity anymore. I'm not waiting for January 1st, I'm starting right now.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Dream Is Set In Stone So Here We Go

In my last post I stated i'd love to be in Montana just living off the land. well it's gonna happen, but not sure if it'll be in Montana. I mean honestly, I'd love to live there but being 18 hours away from my family is a little far stretched. Plus I don't know a thing about Montana.

So I'm looking for about 10-20 acres for sale in the area where I currently live in Southern Illinois. Plus it's just as cheap and I'm only 5 hours south from where I grew up.

I also have alot more time now since we began working from home so now it's off to the races building our business. I believe in giving stuff away for free so just click here and find out what it takes to make all your dreams become a reality.

Drop me a line.
